Sunday In The Park With Donald Trump (2024)

18 June 2024

Sunday in the Park with Donald Trump

Words and Photos by Gary Brown

Ex-President and businessman Donald Trump was holding a rally, here in Las Vegas, and I decided to attend. It was going to be held at Sunset Park, which was about 5 or so miles from me. The event didn’t cost any money and was close to where I was staying. So I asked myself. I said: Self, why not go?

One big drawback was that it was outdoors, and here in Las Vegas, what the locals call Hell Months, has already begun. Three months, June – July – and August, where temps can be typically over 100 degrees. Day in, and day out. Yes, it’s a dry heat. Low humidity. That helps. Still, anything over 105 degrees can easily become unbearable, really fast. So I knew going into it that the temperature on that day, June 9th, could be sweltering. I’m getting older, so it’s something I have to think about, and seriously take into consideration. Plus I have some old injuries that I have to take into account. Hanging out like this can become physically difficult as the time goes by. When there is a problem, I tend to think about a solution. For example, I thought about taking my cane to help with all the standing and walking that I’m sure I would have to do. That should help.

Regarding the rally, general information was given online by the Donald Trump social media team, addressing the temperature issues and what items are okay to bring and not bring with you. This was an ex-president of the United States. Security would be involved. Bring yourself and the bare necessities. Water and cooling stations would be throughout the park to help beat the heat. Of course, limited seating would be available. Finding out what I could, I figured out that it was all doable.

Two days before, I drove to the park to check it out. Super easy to drive to. I liked what I saw. Between then and when I figured I would have to leave and drive to what would be, my first political get-together, I rounded up supplies and waited it out.

I always hated alarm clocks, thank God that we have them. After hitting the snooze a few times, I awoke and did what I needed to do to get out the door. I had a large water bottle, ice packs, and a bottle of 5-Hour Energy that I would bring with me. I showered and dressed sensibly. I finished drinking my second cup of coffee, and out the door I was. I figured I was leaving at a time that I thought would be ideal. Starts at Noon. Get there before others, find a good place to park, and most importantly, find a location where I could be seated, or stand, where I could watch and hear Donald Trump do his speech. This is, after all, the main reason for my going. Oh, and I hate to say it, but it knocks off a bucket list thing that I wanted to do; see any President of the United States give a speech. Once elected, whoever wins a presidential election, is my president. It’s a like-it-or-not situation. I deal with and act accordingly to whoever happens to be in charge. Since first voting for the office of President when I was first eligible, there have been some that I liked and admired, and then, there are other ones that made me ashamed to be a citizen of this country.

I was born in Florida, a long time ago. My family, way back when, on both sides from what I understand, came from Ireland. Those people had it hard, coming to America. I grew up middle class, or just plain poor. I was an orphan at age 11. This was back in the 1970s. I lived in foster homes, which because of that, labeled me as damaged goods. My auto-bio is already online, so I don’t want to bore you, but I do want you to understand, with alot less detail, where I am coming from. Worked hard, and played hard. Mistakes were lessons not to be made again, if possible.

I have no children of my own, but I did help others raise theirs. I’ve been divorced twice. They both deserve brownie points for being married to me. Believe it or not, I could be difficult to be around. Today, in the middle of 2024, I’m this older caucasian guy, just trying to get by. Financially, I’m still poor/middle class. Accounts on what day of the month it is. Extremely grateful after all has been said and done. I survived car accidents, illnesses, dependencies, shitty people, and an unexplained love for progressive rock music. The future is important. I’m not dead yet. Explains why I would put myself through whatever difficulties I encounter, to attend this particular political rally.

I arrived at Sunset Park around 8:45 AM, along with hundreds or thousands of others. Ugh! Parking lots are quickly filling up. I read that the park opened at 5 AM, but I wasn’t interested in getting there, at that ungodly hour. My mistake. if desiring to get someplace up front, near the speaker, then waking up and leaving early, was a wise thing to do. Not that I didn’t care. I figured there would be large video screens and plenty of speakers so that didn’t concern me. As long as I was there, that is what I told myself. It ended up being one of the farthest parking spots one could have. No need to go to the gym after this. Plenty of walking. The good thing here is that my vehicle was easy to find. All I had to do was walk to the end of the parking lot, where I was parked. It was a good thing that I brought the cane.

I heard attendance was near 20,000 people. That came from a local news report. The Las Vegas Police Department estimated around 6,900 folks. I’ve been in crowds of over a hundred thousand. I’ll report that the park seemed full of people there to see all this and that everyone who attended and crossed over to the section of the park where the speech would take place, had to go through security. This took time. It was reported that the line was a mile long. Two and a half hours, and I was inside. My body was sore and hot. Made it this far!

It was cloudy outside. The sun would peak in and out, all the time I was there. It was reported to be around 103 degrees. I felt better with some free water, and a few minutes hanging out around a cooling fan. I headed towards the stage and found a location to stand, that I thought would be my spot for the rest of the time I was there. If the sun got too intense, I had an umbrella I could take shelter under.

While I was standing there waiting for things to begin, I heard a female voice asking if I needed a seat. She was a volunteer, working at the event. I answered yes, and before I knew it, I had a seat on the bleachers, directly behind where Donald Trump would give his speech. Looking at him on TV, I would be on his far left-hand side. I was amazed at how close I was. Secret Service personnel, right in front of me. They swarmed the place. I was happy to see that. Going through security, they were very cool with me. No problems at all! Others had items tossed in the garbage or were escorted out.

I saw a couple of politicians there. Both seemed approachable but neither of whom I engaged in any conversation with. From the great state of Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG), and from the state I call home, Nevada, Sam Brown.

I could not believe the amount of merchandise being sold there. The prices seemed reasonable. I’ve been to alot of concerts, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone with this much stuff. I saw the Rolling Stones last month. I was impressed by the amount of items they had. Walking around here, put all that to shame. This had a kind of flea market vibe to it. I worked flea markets in three different states over the decades. It’s as American as apple pie. At today’s festivities, I didn’t spend a dollar. I arrived wearing my pro-Donald Trump t-shirt. I got it right after he announced his first campaign for president. Referring to only his political career, I could be called a Day One follower. Every issue has its own opinions. For the record, I do not agree one hundred percent with everything that the Trump team supports. I’m not that kind of follower.

All my voting history, I’ve voted against people/parties. My political interest in Donald Trump showed my disinterest in who wanted to be president back then; Hillary Clinton. I simply don’t like this lady. I respect whatever service she did for this country. I hardly ever agree with anything she is into politically. In my ears, her voice is similar to fingernails on a chalkboard.

I don’t have to like Donald Trump, personally. What he does with his private time is his business. I comprehend the president’s main job as someone who makes sure our border is defended, and its people within, from people who want to do America harm. And to help us all prosper. Mr. Donald J. Trump, in my opinion, tried with all his might to do this when he was last elected president. Some fought him, which made it difficult for all objectives to be met. If elected again for a second term, the Trump Administration can pick up, where it left off. Half of those registered to vote, if not more at this point, seem okay with that idea.

Finally! At 12:14 PM, I saw Donald Trump walk the red carpet to the stage. The crowd went berserk. It’s so different to experience in person than watching on television. The crowd itself is a sea of different ethnicities and ages. A Spanish lady is near me with her 13-year-old son because she wants him to experience history. That’s her words, not mine. About 3 minutes later, Mr. Trump started speaking to the masses. Fake News was there. The man is a master at what he does. Mr. Trump looked sharp and acted professional, dare I say presidential-like when it was time to do so. He can make you laugh. His stories have a point, which makes the experience of listening to them better for the listener.

The most important message here and the main reason for holding the rally is that Mr. Trump is not now our current President. Face it, that poor man who is in office now has got to go. His age seems to be catching up on him. Aging affects people differently. At times he comes across as a cynical old man. That’s when you can understand him. Lately, Mr. Biden has not looked or acted that well. I don’t personally know the man. Joe should retire to a beach house and eat ice cream for the rest of his life. His sins will never catch up to him if he only just keeps repeating:

I don’t remember.”

The ice cream, by the way, should be eaten in moderation.

I see things when out and about, living only a couple of miles from the famous Las Vegas Strip, getting worse, daily. Homelessness, and crime. Another 4 years of this? My summary; Go Trump Go!

I’m glad I went to what was my first political rally. I would encourage other like-minded people to do so, as well. Those on the fence, or not sure. And people who voted for Biden the last time legally, maybe even you could be persuaded to hold your nose and vote for a Republican president. One with experience that can do the job, on day one. No learning curve. By doing so, an opportunity for the United States to recover. One man can’t do it alone. Vote party. Vote Republican! They’ll fight amongst themselves but in critical times, will support each other. As a country united, it’s supposed to work that way.

Bonus Picture

Gary Brown – Donald Trump Rally – Las Vegas, NV (USA) 09 June 2024

End of Article

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