Uncle G’s FUN Classic Rock DVD Reviews: Billy Idol – In Super Overdrive _Live (2012)

Date: 16 August 2012Classic Rock Radio (UK)
Uncle G’s FUN Classic Rock DVD Reviews
Topic: Billy Idol – In Super Overdrive_Live (2009)

By Gary “Uncle G” Brown
American Correspondent for Classic Rock Radio (UK)

I remember when I first heard Billy Idol. The song “Dancing With Myself” was becoming a big hit. Others followed as well. At one point he worked with The Who when they toured Quadrophenia, back in ’96. Seems like a cool guy. Has an outstanding rock n’ roll voice. It screams badass attitude. Add the trademark sneer on his face you see time and time again. Billy had a motorcycle accident back in the early 1990s which sidelined him some. I read there was some major downtime. Appears to have recovered well since those days.

Let’s say you have someone who starts off a sentence with; “Let me be honest.” In the back of my mind, I’m wondering if everything else they say is a lie. So following that line of thought, I didn’t get this DVD because of Billy Idol. I’d be telling a mistruth if I said that. Frankly, I got this DVD because of who was in his band. All fantastic players. Two I’ve been following (not in a stalker weird way) for a while now; On guitar – Steve Stevens. On keyboards – Derek Sherinian. I am aware of the other two members here that make up the band; On bass – Stephen McGrath, and on drums, the kick-ass player – Brian Tichy (Whitesnake, Foreigner, and Ozzy Osbourne).

Steve Stevens I know from a project called; Bozzio Levin Stevens. In the world of prog music, considered a super-group. Came out with two superior studio albums; Black Light Syndrome / Situation Dangerous. Two releases (instrumentals) that if not out-of-print, I strongly recommend adding to your collection.

I became aware of Derek Sherinian when he became Kevin Moore’s replacement in Dream Theater. A super talented keyboardist. In my opinion, one of rock’s best keyboardists today. I saw him in concert back in the ’90s when he was playing for Alice Cooper. Sherinian appears on one of my all-time favorite Cooper solo releases; 1994’s studio album, Alice Cooper – The Last Temptation. I got Derek’s first solo CD (Planet X) when it came out. Included is a cool liner note comment from The Coop. Sherinian turned the name of the solo project, Project X, into a band’s name. From that, what would be considered yet another prog rock super-group; Planet X. Nowadays Derek’s also keyboardist for another band of highly skilled musicians; Black Country Communion. Back to this Idol project, I wish this DVD focused on Derek more. It’s a Billy Idol DVD, so the main focus here is, of course, Mr. Idol.

The concert was filmed in July 2009. Was released in November of that year. Professionally filmed; Sound Stage (Public Broadcasting Service). As expected, it sounds and looks fantastic. Lots of ladies in the audience as one would expect from Billy. He plays to them by taking off and putting back on his shirt. The crowd’s up and having a good time. In general, very high energy. The DVD is priced to where it’s easily affordable. Less than the cost of a regularly priced music CD. The bonus here besides the music, is visual. It’s just like you’re there and without the hassle of actually leaving the crib. I watched the concert in my living room, while in my underwear, and drinking what I believe is America’s number one chocolate drink; Yoo Hoo. Worked for me !!

The Song List: Everything in today’s World, isn’t perfect. Have you looked at Kim Kardashian’s ass lately? It’s becoming its own life form. I might have dropped one or two songs from here and added a couple more hits; Mony Mony or L.A. Woman. Besides that, no complaints.

Rating: Using the IMDb website rating system of one to ten stars, your favorite “Uncle G” gives this one; a solid 9 stars. As I already mentioned…the song list. If a real rocker, picking this up just to see how tight a band this is sounds like a good idea to me. Steve Stevens is over the stage on this. Has a cool arsenal going on (different guitars). Very much the showman. Tichy and McGrath are solid rhythm players. Plus Derek. What’s not to like?

Bonus VideoFrom Billy Idol – In Super Overdrive Live – Dancing With Myself

Official Billy Idol Websitewww.billyidol.net

End of Story

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